Do it Now

Data: 16 mar 2019

Sito on line dal 2003
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𝒮ing for the Climate is a big singing manifestation that first took place on September 22 and 23 2012 in Belgium. More than 80.000 people in more than 180 Belgian cities and communities sang the song "Do it Now", urging politicians to take more ambitious climate measures both on local, national and international level.

The song "Do it Now" has the music of "Bella ciao", an ancient Italian song that you can download at this link.

The song "Do it Now" that you can download below is a download of the music contained in the Youtube video "Sing for the Climate Belgium - Final clip" at this link. The video is dated "29 nov 2012".

More information, tools and support for your local action can be found on

Tech info: The type of the song "Do it Now" is Ogg Vorbis (ogg) and is derived directly from the YouTube video format (Webm). You can transform the .ogg file into .mp3 file with less audio quality (every conversion degrade audio quality). The file is 128 kbps of Ogg Vorbis quality (which is different from the same quality of mp3). It is low quality but still better than mp3.
Download "Do it Now" 128 kbps, 1:45 sec, 1.5 MB

The copyright holders is not indicated into Youtube description.

We need to wake up
We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

We're on a planet
That has a problem
We've got to solve it, get involved
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Complete lyrics:
We need to wake up
We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

We're on a planet
That has a problem
We've got to solve it, get involved
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

Make it greener
Make it cleaner
Make it last, make it fast
and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

No point in waiting
Or hesitating
We must get wise, take no more lies
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

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Questo articolo è stato commentato 1 volta.

Anonimo il 4 febbraio 2021 con il titolo: Commento veloce computer.


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Data: 16 mar 2019
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...a partire da 2024-01-28
argomento: Lotte, articoli: Armani moda Vs, Salviamo le sementi contadine, Edward Snowden: Dichiarazione, Il rapimento di Aldo Moro, Giornalisti comprati, La difesa di Assange alle accuse di stupro, Fake news per censurare

argomento: Musica, articoli: MP3 dalla Russia, Internet Radio, Mosquito, Lettori MP3/Ogg per Linux, Mp3 di Bella ciao (La Resistenza), Eurovision Song Contest 2018 (Classifica Youtube)

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